Driving Change through a Sustainability Mindset
Inclusion & Psychological Safety
Accountability, Agility & Resilience
Leadership & Performance Coaching
Survey development, Gap & Risk Assessments
Workshops Capacity and Team Building

Leadership That Drives Exponential Impact
Through ambitious and sustainable strategies an organization can achieve long-term goals for both the business and society. With the right tools and accelerators, it is possible to work through corporate challenges with a solution mindset, yet what often prevents this possibility is the resistance to change or agility and adaptability to constant change. Without the right direction, mentorship, and leadership an organization will not be able to meet its targets. Without the right change management solutions, most plans are guaranteed to not reach their full potential. A plan on paper is one part of the process, transferring that plan into the mindset of the people is where the action will happen. At TeamsynerG Global Consulting, Leadership Development is one of our most requested and successful services.
We believe that when you provide and train a person with effective tools, grant that one on one or group training support and then hold them accountable to utilize those tools consistently, you will have a high probability for sustainable success. With over 40 years experience in leadership training, development and coaching, our team has identified gaps within the industry that do not support the whole needs of today’s leaders and their workforce. One-off workshops are great to drive quick momentum yet are not effective for lasting change. With today’s competitive market and the critical need to build climate conscious organizations, there is a massive and missed opportunity to take what someone learns and have them apply it directly towards their work. We believe that unless you can put your new learned skills into practice and be mentored through that practice, what you learn will be lost. Companies are spending millions of dollars a year in training and the ROI is often not reflected. Our team of high performance and accountability coaches and trainers focus on project-based learning, human centered systems thinking with an evidence-based practice approach. From our proprietary leadership behaviour gap assessments to our customized training programs and coaching, we understand that one organization can desire to lead their company one way, yet unless it recognizes that every person has their own view of how things should be done, then it is predictable that getting everyone on one page with one vision will not be possible. Our goal is to build a diverse, equitable and inclusive organization around the world that takes pride in putting the organization’s values into action. TeamsynerG works in partnership with leadership to establish a solid foundation rooted in purpose, culture, values, and principles with a consistent credible, ethical and sustainable leadership.
- Inclusion & Psychological Safety
- Accountability, Agility & Resilience
- Leadership & Performance Coaching
- Survey development, Gap & Risk Assessments
- Capacity and TeamBuilding Workshops
Psychological safety is critical to building and maintaining an inclusive and innovative culture. Creating an environment of trust, fairness and autonomy allows everyone to take risks and see the possibilities that will lead the organization's positive and sustainable growth. Through TeamsynerG's proprietary, multi-level WHOLE-PERSONsafety® training and mentoring programs, leaders will learn the importance of including everyone at all times and how that can be incorporated as an organic part of any business process. Leaders and the workforce will also be trained in what whole-person safety looks, feels and sounds like. Our communication and engagement training provides the organization with the opportunity to demonstrate how much they value the physical and mental well-being of each and every person who works for their organization. That everyone matters and everyone has the same fair rights to all opportunities. Our programs have a multi-level approach based on levels of work and incorporate a deep assessment of the organization's current policies, practices and standards. Our unique programs have been proven to increase transparency, loyalty, effectiveness, productivity and dramatically reduce employee absence and turn over.
Adaptability is a core competency of agile leadership, and agility begins with resilience and agile and resilient leaders can propel change and reimagine a strategic direction. Agile leaders can overcome obstacles and implement new processes and systems to bridge the gap of their workforce and operational needs and when you have a culture of accountability that is led by example through the leadership, an organization can bring sustainability to long-term business objectives and success. At TeamsynerG accountability is what has positioned us as a leader in culture and leadership transformation. Accountability is at the root of our company's values and it is something that we pride ourselves on when training and coaching our clients to advance them towards a thriving agile, resilient culture. Our team of experts have designed exclusive accountability behaviour tools that partner with learning objectives to support the need in developing agile people leaders. Agility is sustainable only when it is supported at every level of the organization. Each work level has its own expectations of agile approaches to roles and work outputs and yet there is an expectation that agility is something that is natural human skill. This misconception prevents organizations from investing into agility assessments and training so they know where their gaps exist. Our agility assessment tools reveal what is necessary to support building a framework for personal training and development that is customized and not generalized so that we can provide accurate, direct and impactful accountability, agility and resilient training programs, workshops, mentoring and coaching.
Elevating your full leadership potential is needed now more than any time in history. The paradigm of leadership and its direct impact on employee engagement, business optimization, continuous improvement thriving and safe cultures is a direct result of those who lead top-down. Today we are dealing with planetary trends that unless we take a generative leadership approach we will elevate the impacts of rapid misuse and abuse of our earth's natural resources. Sustainability is not a simple corporate social responsibility initiative to check off the list to satisfy shareholders. Sustainability is now a critical and key element of business strategy and leadership responsibility. Unless this is automatically built into the structure of how business is done, that business will not have a future. At TeamsynerG Global Consulting, we strongly believe we have a shared collective destiny. For this reason, we have taken our over 35 years of leadership development, training and coaching expertise to develop a formula for effective and sustainable impact and holding leaders accountable for their ethical and sustainable choices. This is the first time in history leaders have had to take on the burden of humanity's destructive habits and lead the way. Having a professional coach to guide, train, mentor and lead you through the process is a key element in your success. Our leadership and high performance coaching programs are designed for every level of the organization with special emphasis on the executive level of decision making. We understand that the decision made at the top, impacts all stakeholders and when you are leading change, resistance to change becomes the greatest challenge. Through our proprietary accountability systems, data driven approaches, customized behaviour skill development and coaching methodologies TeamsynerG will work in collaboration with leaders to produce exponential impact through courageous and visionary leadership to create a remarkable shift of inspiring others through massive, bold goals and coaching capabilities.
Identifying risks, threats and opportunities for an organization is critical for progress, productivity, performance and profit. Often there is inconsistency in human and systems performance which impacts the bottom line. When a deep inquiry is performed, assessing and analysing the current situation, an opportunity arises. TeamsynerG Global Consulting is unwilling to compromise when it comes to leading collaborative partnerships that are aligned in data driven approaches. Numbers tell a story and most of all we believe if you are unwilling to pay attention to what the data tells you, you are unwilling to be part of the solution. From compromise, to risk it is essential to not only identify the threats, but to understand the root cause of them or you will continuously keep your operation vulnerable. Our proprietary assessment tools have been designed by our leading edge and innovative thinkers that have taken the understanding of psychometrics, measures of variability, cognitive behaviour metrics and best practice systems validity data to determine and quantify the risks faced by your organization. Our Gap analysis and risk assessment focus on leadership behaviours, team alignment, process and operational systems behaviours, cross functional consistency and department effectiveness. As part of our Gap assessment framework we assess 45 critical areas of human performance through our proprietary tool BRIDGE® and in addition incorporate your organization's identified core values, behaviour competencies and standards in our review. We measure against high performance and best practice leadership behaviours and systems and build in custom survey development and execution to include the people into the process of elevating performance, profits and ensuring everyone is included in the company's purpose.
From strengthening the ability of your senior leaders and workforce to plan, produce, perform and deliver on the organization's goals, to communication strategies and improving on how you measure outcomes, capacity building is essential and the backbone of thriving organizations. TeamsynerG Global Consulting's purpose is to take today's most impactful industries and transform their ability to fulfill on its mission of building a diverse, inclusive and innovative organization that understands the urgency of exponential solutions. Solutions are driven by people. People, who will think through problems, collaborate, identify risks and be resilient to pressure of change and the demand of shifting their organizations into high gear. Moving from good to great takes skill and human behaviour can naturally resist accountability and more importantly the responsibility of an owner's mindset. Buy-in from the workforce can happen organically when the organization genuinely demonstrates putting their people before profits. One of the most effective ways to do this is by investing in your people. The more you invest in their capacity, the more return you will experience that boosts your bottom line. At TeamsynerG our facilitated in-person and virtual team building experiences kick-off the process of transforming a culture and support with the natural resistance to change. TeamsynerG never provides an "off the shelf" approach to our skill development programs, workshops or strategy sessions. We begin with our proven IP methodology and tools and then customize to your unique needs. Through our surveys, assessment and Gap analysis we identified critical needs and prioritized what is essential to de-risk, eliminate threats and take the operational and people performance from unstable to optimized.
Benefits and Key Takeaways from this training:- Understanding what psychological safety is and impact in the workplace
- Creating a roadmap of psychological safety in your organization at every work level
Understanding the responsibility of leading psychological safety with every level - Psychological safety and leadership
- Learn to have those difficult, sensitive and courageous conversations with confidence
- Building trust and equality through language and actions
Inclusive communication through language and writing skills - Critical responsibility- identifying the risks and preventing situations from escalation
Inclusive leadership- leading everyone in a equal and equitable approach - Learn to feel safe to be yourself and be safe for others
- Create a culture of contribution, belonging and everyone matters no matter what
Diversity and Inclusion training is beyond an awareness campaign within the organization. D&I training is only the start to understanding policies, standards, and practices that create equitable systems, and inclusive cultures where everyone belongs. Belonging is part of the purpose of why a company exists. When the entire workforce can understand the invisible systems and barriers that exist, they will function responsibly and naturally and understand that this is beyond checking a requirement logistic off a compliance list.
Delivering real impact through diversity and inclusivity ensures that no one has a personal experience of being left behind. All people holistically want to be part of a purpose and purpose-driven organizations are the ones that not only thrive financially but more importantly thrive with multi-generational employees.
Corporate cultures that ensure equality, equity, diversity, inclusion, safety, and respect for all, are also the organizations that have a fertile foundation for sustainability, innovation, and success for all stakeholders. TeamsynerG Global Consulting’s team of strategic diversity consultants, inclusion specialists and coaches begin by assessing the current climate. We believe that if you really want to source the truth about how people feel, especially about their physical and physiological safety, you must ask them. Our psychometrics experts provide customized surveys and engagement opportunities to facilitate round the table private and confidential conversations to extract what is needed so that your organization can drive critical change. From women’s focus groups to race and Indigenous equality, our team has over 35 years of international consulting, education, and training experience in many social, and economic environments around the world. We have trained, developed, and coached tens of thousands of people from CEOs to front-liners, and have been recognized for our award-winning curriculum programs, and HR policy and standards transformation and implementation.
Inclusion & Equality Training Diversity & Equitable Systems Human Rights & Sensitivity Training Psychological Safety Generative Learning.Key Benefits and Takeaways:
- Knowing how to identify and address risks within the workplace culture
- Diversity leadership styles
- Understand cultural intelligence
- Develop understanding of emotions and tonality to make your workplace more inclusive and safer
- Develop inclusive thinking and actions within planning and business objectives
- Increase innovation, collaboration, and retention
- Put emotional and ethical intelligence skills into action
- Diversity in action through strategic planning and ethical practices
- Increase your talent pool, employee engagement and reduce employee harassment
- Address bias and prejudice and facilitate a case-by-case awareness plan to restore organization and build trust
- Learn responsible diversity and inclusion written and oral communication skills and behaviors
We specialize in advanced communication skills. Key objective is to elevate the integrity, effectiveness, and responsibility of written and oral communication skills. This is a two-day workshop that also includes a public speaking segment to improve on engagement, trust building, loyalty, and resolving issues. Some of the key outcomes and takeaways of this workshop are:
- Create a safe culture through inclusive communication.
- Communication with confidence and awareness so that everyone is included at all times.
- Effectively communicate within teams and eliminate working in silos.
- Learn new listening skills and remove barriers that prevent mistrust and conflict.
- Use communication to move the business forward towards your goals.
- Written and oral skills that drive collaboration.
- Improve teamwork and through transparent and generous speaking to strengthen peer relationships.
- Improve teamwork and through transparent, clear, direct and generous speaking to strengthen peer relationships **transparent, clear, direct all mean the same thing**
- Live engagement practice sessions that support turning potential conflicts into constructive and productive conversations.
- Be able to think strategically and critically and have your thoughts and words be aligned.
- Communicate as an inspiring leader.
- Correct misalignments within the team.
- Develop a natural and authentic speaking style that always represents you and your organization.
- Be a leader of influence.
- Conflict resolution and communicate effectively under pressure
- Written communication that empowers others and drives a call to action
- Understand behaviour patterns that impact positive communication skills
- Learn new communication styles, skills and methods to lead change and project management
Building a well-qualified team with fewer turnovers is becoming increasingly challenging in today’s corporate climate. From the world’s pandemic shutdowns, emergency crises and the day to day pressures of meeting business objectives and goals with the bottom line. The demand creates an automatic culture of pressure and resistance which therefore can create massive disruptions in productivity and performance. The ability to critically think through challenges and also be resilient to those challenges is not something most human beings are born with. We either build that stamina and skill from life’s experiences and trial and error or we learn how to use our thinking capability to apply in times of need. The type of critical thinking an individual will do in the workplace varies greatly based on their role and responsibility in the company. Investing in the development of critical and strategic thinking skills and building a mental resilience can be the secret formula to sustainability at every level. Our Training focuses on merging the skills together to provide someone a life line in all situations and drive the capability and capacity for workplace success. Our training can begin with a workshop to kick start the development process then followed by a self-managed on-line training system with group discussions and real life, real work case studies to practice through. Some of the benefits, key outcomes and takeaways of our critical thinking and resilience training are:
- Anticipate problems and prevent them before they arise
- Finding multiple solutions to challenges and problems
- Lead others through tricky situations with confidence and certainty
- Effectively manage upwards and give healthy push back
- Develop unique perspectives on situations and contribute to success project completion
- Working through the root cause of a challenge
- Build mental stamina through cognitive development to resist and succeed through difficulty
- Develop emotional and ethical intelligence capability
- Comprehension of “systems thinking”
- Increased self-awareness and personal empowerment
- A “change is possible” mindset
- Team building through interactive, group-based learning
- Learning and adopting a unified approach to managing stress and challenges
- Leading others through adversity
- Practical skills and strategies for building resilience and developing resilience in others.
Our strategy and planning workshops are perfect for executive leadership and management teams to bring together intentional and impactful outcomes to develop the future of the organization. There is a great need for leaders to ensure they are working at their own work level and transition from working in the business to on the business. This takes continuous improvement and accountability and unless there are leaders driving the future, the future goals and business objectives will struggle to be met or will be met at the cost of people and the environment. Our workshops are led and facilitated by some of the most effective strategist and planning experts so that objectives are delivered. The team is interactive with a group-based learning methodology built in. Our workshops are designed to align and accelerate great minds and bring forth the purpose and vision of the organization in action.
- Identify KPIs that track strategic objectives
- Turn strategy into action
- Communicate effectively so the conversations stay on track with what matters
- Create plans with the end user in mind
- Delete silos and drive alignment and teamwork
- Understand data and build frameworks that are data driven and lean
- Measure impact and connect to business objectives
- Inclusive planning experiences, where everyone is included, and everyone is heard
- Integrate cross-functional challenges, projects, and actions
- How to effectively prepare for strategy and planning sessions
- How to lead and facilitate strategic meetings and planning workshops
- Understand strategic positive, and prioritize actions and objectives
- Collaborate as a leadership team to lead by example
- Developing scopes that are backed by data
Unless your organization has a leadership team that is agile and holds people accountable, that organization’s culture will predictable be an ongoing cycle of ad hoc actions and operating in silos. Leaders must be vigilant and resilient and embrace inconsistency with a structure of communication and behaviours that lead others with an expectation of excellence and mentor their team through the necessary skill development until that gap is closed. Our agility and accountability workshops and programs are one of our most requested experiences for today’s leading industries. The gap in understanding and implementation of accountability is not a people problem, it is a lack of being able to see, feel, and hear what agility and accountability is in real life and work situations. Through our unique method and delivery of our training we are able to increase accountability in the workplace by over 70% within the first year of working with our clients. Our process to lead this is based on over 30 years of transforming political, educational, and corporate systems that defy accountability. Our approach eliminates the reactive behaviours and shifts them into proactive behaviours. We teach individuals the power behind the agility and accountability methods of leading people. Our workshops and programs are customized based on your organization’s gaps which we identify first through our assessment review. We measure the results against the operational data of the organization and from there create a distinct approach to close the gaps and begin a new culture of efficiency, effectiveness, optimized performance, and an organization where the workforce sees themselves as part of the future of the company. Some of the key benefits and take aways are:
- Remove barriers of accountability in the workplace
- Identify personal and organizational unhealthy habits that weaken role accountability
- Improve workflow efficiency and deployment
- Build healthy agile and accountability behaviours
- Build agile mind capacity to work through barriers and achieve measurable improvement
lead change without resistance and conflict - Learn effective agile planning tools
- Elevate business wide collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement
- Group learning in agility and accountability in project management
Sustainable leadership is not just about succession planning and working at a company for an extended period of time. Sustainable leadership is the ability to have the thinking and planning skills to lead people through the life of an organization and have them see themselves as part of the vision, values, and purpose of the company. Our programs develop sustainable leaders at three core levels. We educate, train, develop and coach leaders to understand their responsibility towards the sustainable goals of the world and lead with impact through our environmental and social injustices. To inspire their workforce to be part of the solutions in developing generational sustainability and finally to lead people leaders through change and provide a real-life example of living out the values of that organization. This intense program is not a quick fix or education turn around to gain some experience, this program is for the serious-minded person or persons who want to be part of a legacy that will lead the way to have all the global SDG goals and targets be a reality for 2030 and beyond. TeamsynerG Global Consulting collaborates with leaders in all industries who are serious about their net-zero goals, equality for all, equitable economic prosperity and for those who believe that everyone is to have access to all basic human rights. This type of leadership is one where your organization will identify you as a change agent and as someone they want to follow through to the future. We have various levels of accountability within this training and regardless of where you are at now, the most important thing to remember is we are facing a global crisis within which you will choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution. Our Sustainable leadership programs are designed for all work levels and have their own unique
Knowing your organization’s vision in one thing, being your organization’s vision is a game changer. A vision statement is beyond words on a document. A vision statement is a living and breathing document that is designed to ignite a charge within the thinking and actions of the workforce and be a statement that holds people accountable to what the organization’s purpose is and what they stand for. A vision statement can be at a company level and it is critical that each department and their teams design their own vision statement and purpose so they can use that as a framework to shape their actions. At TeamsynerG Global Consulting we pride ourselves in facilitating interactive, inspiring, impactful, and inclusive workshops. We believe that when everyone is part of the creation, they also can see themselves as part of the future. Organizations often disregard the power behind the purpose and do not see that when that vision of purpose is missing it contributes to matters like working in silos, high turnover, low performance and productivity outcomes. When a vision is clear for each person, they see that what they say and do really does matter, and it builds in a natural level or healthy responsibility that then empowers accountability. Our workshops can be participated in, in-person or online. They are a series of strategic and creative meetings that deliver a powerful and positive impact. They are customized to the needs of the organization or department with the intention of creating a blueprint of integrity and excellence for everyone to work from. Some of the key benefits and outcomes are:
- Fostering innovation, teamwork, and safe communication
- Teach people how to think through desired outcomes collectively
- Elevate the ability to communicate effectively in a group environment
- Create a mission focused vision to take action on
- Learn how to communicate the vision to the teams and implement a process of vision consistency
- Improve brainstorming skills and processes
- Learn to prepare and lead a vision statement session with team members

TeamsynerG Global Consulting Inc. specializes in multi-level physiological safety training programs. Our proprietary program Whole PersonSafety® is internationally recognized as the key to building trust and ensuring that each worker is trained in their responsibility safety level.

Bioptrics® An intuitive human performance tool to develop business improvement behaviors that optimize personal performance and operational productivity. Used as a stand-alone capacity-building tool or in conjunction with our individual and group coaching programs. BIOPTRICS is the world’s first digital personal performance tool focused on (KBI) key behavioral indicators that impact (KPI) Key performance indicators and (OKR) objectives and key results.

BRIDGE® is a proprietary maturity and gap assessment system that assesses deep into the dimensions and variables that impact human performance. Our assessment process is designed to identify the strengths, weaknesses, and critical risks that impact the leadership, culture, and organizational competency and efficiency within the overall business operations.

Ethical, Inclusive and Diverse Leadership
Effective Solutions for Urgent Challenges
Responsible and Sustainable Business Practices
Innovative and Influential Long-term Strategies
Transparent Culture that Inspires Accountability
Integrous thinking and planning for Sustainable Change
Leading Personal, Proactive Collaborative Partnership
Fostering Mentorship to Maximize Human Potential