Delivering Real Impact Through Diversity
Inclusion & Equality Training
Diversity & Equitable Systems
Human Rights & Sensitivity Training
Psychological Safety
Generative Learning

Building Strong Foundations Rooted In Purpose
Diversity and Inclusion training is beyond an awareness campaign within the organization. D&I training is only the start to understanding policies, standards, and practices that create equitable systems, and inclusive cultures where everyone belongs. Belonging is part of the purpose of why a company exists and when the entire workforce can understand the invisible systems and barriers that exist they will function responsibly and naturally and understand that this is beyond checking a requirement logistic off a compliance list.
Delivering real impact through diversity and inclusivity ensures that no one has a personal experience of being left behind. All people holistically want to be part of a purpose and purpose-driven organizations are the ones that not only thrive financially but more importantly thrive with multi-generational employees.
Corporate cultures that ensure equality, equity, diversity, inclusion, safety, and respect for all, are also the organizations that have a fertile foundation for sustainability, innovation, and success for all stakeholders. TeamsynerG Global Consulting’s team of strategic diversity consultants Inclusion specialists and coaches begin by assessing the current climate. We believe that if you really want to source the truth about how people feel, especially their physical and physiological safety you need to ask them. Our psychometrics experts provide customized surveys and engagement opportunities to also facilitate round the table private and confidential conversations to extract what is needed so that your organization can drive critical change. From women’s focus groups to race and Indigenous equality our team has over 35 years of international consulting, education, and training experience in many social, and economic environments around the world. We have trained, developed, and coached tens of thousands of people from CEOs to front-liners, and have been recognized for our award-winning curriculum, programs, and HR policy and standards transformation and implementation.
Build Trust And Enhance Employee Engagement
TeamsynerG Global Consulting Inc. specializes in multi-level physiological safety training programs.
Our proprietary program Whole-PersonSafety® is internationally recognized as the key to building trust and ensuring that each worker is trained in their responsibility safety level. With each role and level of work comes different responsibilities and our programs have a built-in strategy with one-of-kind facilitation and philosophy that goes beyond a lecture, an online program, or a new policy awareness rollout.
Our programs are designed for long term success with a built in structure for onboarding and lead consistent behaviours and mental models across the workforce. TeamsynerG's methodology includes everyone and has a meet people where they are at approach. We understand that the current state of thinking is different for everyone and it is ineffective to force a new way of thinking; therefore we empower each person to own the responsibility and provide insights and project-based learning to optimize new actions and behaviors that result in a trusting, safe work environment where not only people feel they belong but want to build a future with.

Ethical, Inclusive and Diverse Leadership
Effective Solutions for Urgent Challenges
Responsible and Sustainable Business Practices
Innovative and Influential Long-term Strategies
Transparent Culture that Inspires Accountability
Integrous thinking and planning for Sustainable Change
Leading Personal, Proactive Collaborative Partnership
Fostering Mentorship to Maximize Human Potential